Essential Oils For Your Yoga Practice

Essential oils are used for stress relief, mental clarity, and calming nerves. In the last sentence, you could replace “essential oils” with “yoga,” you would have an equally true sentence.

Both essential oils and yoga are both used for overall wellness, so it only makes sense to combine the two. Essential oils can easily be mixed into a relaxing or energizing yoga routine, but why should you use essential oils during your yoga flow?

woman practicing yoga

Why You Should Be Using Essential Oils During Yoga

Whether you’re at a yoga class or doing quick yoga practice at home, there are benefits for mixing essential oils into your routine. Many perform yoga because of their relaxation benefits and the ability to calm the mind. Mixing in essential oils is excellent for an overall wellness routine. However, you should know the best essential oils to use for your yoga practice.

Best Essential Oils For Your Yoga Practice

Typically, people save the best for last, but we’ll put the best first. Lavender oil is one of the best essential oils you can find for a reason. It’s mostly used close to the end of a yoga routine during savasana to help calm the body.

Lavender essential oil creates an aura and calmness that relieves tension and stress, along with the established calming effects of yoga. Lavender shouldn’t be used during the morning yoga flow because of how relaxing this essential oil is.

Instead of running off to work, you’ll try taking a personal day because you’ll be too relaxed.

💆‍♀️Check out these essential oils that will make your house smell like a spa!

essential oils on a ledge

Cedarwood essential oil is another one for anxiety, but it’s also touted as oil you could apply before a workout to improve your vitality. Cedarwood essential oil is used for boosting the production of melatonin in the body. This can help you sleep after a good yoga practice. You’ll also get a boost of confidence to attempt more challenging yoga poses for maximum benefits.

Peppermint essential oil can help invigorate the body for yoga practice. Peppermint is also suitable for taking care of headaches, muscle pain, and other issues that might make yoga uncomfortable. Remember that yoga is an exercise. Your muscles could get sore afterward because of the yoga flow of energy. Instead of a pain reliever, you can use peppermint essential oil after yoga while you’re relaxing the body. 

woman meditation outside

How To Apply Essential Oils During Yoga Class

Many people apply essential oils directly to their bodies on their wrists or foreheads before yoga or during savasana. Massaging the essential oil of your choice on the forehead before a meditation session can help open your energy during the yoga flow.

Another method for applying essential oils during a yoga class or yoga practice is through aromatherapy. Diffusing essential oils is one of the most popular ways of applying essential oils because the vapor can spread throughout your yoga space. For example, placing lavender essential oils into a diffuser can make the savasana portion of yoga class a more relaxing experience. Aromatherapy with essential oils can help calm your nerves and make you feel like you’re sitting on a cloud after yoga practice. This is especially helpful if you’re doing yoga for anxiety. Adding an essential oil, such as lavender, can help additionally alleviate any anxiety during yoga.

An unlikely application of essential oils for a yoga class or yoga practice is by spritzing essential oils. To boost your yoga flow, before your routine, spritz your yoga mat with your choice of essential oils to help your brain focus on the yoga practice. Every time you breathe in when you’re doing yoga poses where your face is near the mat, you’ll breathe in the refreshing scent of the essential oil of your choice. When you’re performing savasana near the end of yoga practice, your head will be close to the essential oil scent.

hands using essential oil blend

DIY Yoga Oil Blend

Having a healthy blend of DIY essential oils can help you create the aura of relaxation for yoga practice. Whether you plan on diffusing a DIY yoga oil blend for aromatherapy or spritzing your mat, there are a couple of combinations that you can try.

One DIY yoga blend is eucalyptus and lavender. Lavender helps your nerves calm themselves during yoga while the eucalyptus helps keep the environment around you fresh.

Mixing cedarwood oil and any citrus-based oil such as lemon or lime can help promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and increase wellness and vitality for a healthy and calming yoga practice.

If you’re having issues getting your muscles to calm down for yoga practice, then taking peppermint essential oil with lavender can help calm the nerves while the peppermint oil takes on the muscle tissues. Applying this mixture to your wrist can help you rejuvenate the body after a healthy yoga session.

From anxiety to muscle relief, using essential oils for your yoga practice can maximize your potential. You’ll have increased focus, performance, and mood after yoga if you add essential oils to your yoga routine.

blending essential oils for yoga

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